Rime's Discount Shitpost Emporium

welcome to my twister mind
currently feeling:
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08/12/2021 - 11:53 AM
i recently tried a dandelion + ginger tea i saw in the grocery store, iced because its hot as fuck outside, no sugar... my verdict is that i don't like it. it has a strong floral aftertaste that sticks around a while that i find unpleasant. adding lemon helped but not enough. i've never been a fan of floral tastes because my brain associates "floral" with "soap" or "lotion", so drinking this tea just kind of made me feel like i had drunk soap. maybe this association would weaken with time as i got used to the taste, maybe i could try it hot with sugar, maybe if i steeped it less the aftertaste would be weaker... but i think for now dandelion tea will be filed under "drink in case of x" as opposed to something i just drink everyday because i like it. green tea remains the champion in that particular arena
i recently tried a dandelion + ginger tea i saw in the grocery store, iced because its hot as fuck outside, no sugar... my verdict is that i don't like it. it has a strong floral aftertaste that sticks around a while that i find unpleasant. adding lemon helped but not enough. i've never been a fan of floral tastes because my brain associates "floral" with "soap" or "lotion", so drinking this tea just kind of made me feel like i had drunk soap. maybe this association would weaken with time as i got used to the taste, maybe i could try it hot with sugar, maybe if i steeped it less the aftertaste would be weaker... but i think for now dandelion tea will be filed under "drink in case of x" as opposed to something i just drink everyday because i like it. green tea remains the champion in that particular arena

08/10/2021 - 10:09 AM
my moms nutritionist has her on a 1200 calorie diet so i decided to stick with 1200 too. i do all the cooking so its just easier for meal planning. this means i'm actually paying attention to serving sizes now, and realized that i had been overeating by a lot. for example, a serving of ramen is not the whole packet, its half!
i'm only a few days in, and i think i feel a little better than before. maybe its because eating smaller meals makes me feel less lethargic and sleepy. wondering now if some of my constant tiredness/low energy can be attributed to being in a constant state of food coma?
my moms nutritionist has her on a 1200 calorie diet so i decided to stick with 1200 too. i do all the cooking so its just easier for meal planning. this means i'm actually paying attention to serving sizes now, and realized that i had been overeating by a lot. for example, a serving of ramen is not the whole packet, its half!
i'm only a few days in, and i think i feel a little better than before. maybe its because eating smaller meals makes me feel less lethargic and sleepy. wondering now if some of my constant tiredness/low energy can be attributed to being in a constant state of food coma?

08/06/2021 - 12:30 PM

08/05/2021 - 08:48 AM
most of the time, i don't see the cat i'm feeding. the most i've seen is like, a tail disappearing behind boxes in the garage when i enter. but today the cat was sitting under my neighbor's car, and it didn't immediately run from me! though its body language still said it was scared of me. and by the time i put its food in the usual place it was gone. is this progress? i've been mostly leaving the cat alone while it eats, but now that it seems to be marginally less uncomfortable being seen by me, i'll start staying nearby while the cat eats. babby steps,
most of the time, i don't see the cat i'm feeding. the most i've seen is like, a tail disappearing behind boxes in the garage when i enter. but today the cat was sitting under my neighbor's car, and it didn't immediately run from me! though its body language still said it was scared of me. and by the time i put its food in the usual place it was gone. is this progress? i've been mostly leaving the cat alone while it eats, but now that it seems to be marginally less uncomfortable being seen by me, i'll start staying nearby while the cat eats. babby steps,

08/03/2021 - 12:33 PM
made a new linkedin account to look for jobs because i love torturing myself
made a new linkedin account to look for jobs because i love torturing myself

08/01/2021 - 08:44 PM
i found out recently that there's a skinny black cat hiding out in the garage, and i've been trying to befriend it. i haven't seen any missing pet flyers around on my walks with my dog, and the cat hides from me whenever it sees me, so i'm assuming its a stray. it is eating the food i leave out though, so i guess i'll just keep doing that until its not scared of me. i can't afford to take on another pet though so i'm already looking into a permanent home for it, hopefully with someone who doesn't mind a cat that may be more standoffish than usual
i found out recently that there's a skinny black cat hiding out in the garage, and i've been trying to befriend it. i haven't seen any missing pet flyers around on my walks with my dog, and the cat hides from me whenever it sees me, so i'm assuming its a stray. it is eating the food i leave out though, so i guess i'll just keep doing that until its not scared of me. i can't afford to take on another pet though so i'm already looking into a permanent home for it, hopefully with someone who doesn't mind a cat that may be more standoffish than usual

08/01/2021 - 10:25 AM
the fact that its august now doesnt feel real to me, but i'm glad that this year's Spicy Months are coming to an end. it also means that i'll soon find out what the psychologist thinks of the results of all the tests i did so thats something i guess!! i hope i get some kind of diagnosis because having to sit still for 15 whole minutes and press a button every time i saw a letter that wasn't X was torture and i fucked it up a whole lot slakdfj
the fact that its august now doesnt feel real to me, but i'm glad that this year's Spicy Months are coming to an end. it also means that i'll soon find out what the psychologist thinks of the results of all the tests i did so thats something i guess!! i hope i get some kind of diagnosis because having to sit still for 15 whole minutes and press a button every time i saw a letter that wasn't X was torture and i fucked it up a whole lot slakdfj

07/30/2021 - 02:44 PM
i like playing videos game because you get to live the fantasy of "having your hard work mattering and paying off"
i like playing videos game because you get to live the fantasy of "having your hard work mattering and paying off"

07/29/2021 - 10:40 AM
a part of me is also kind of sad that the legion is evil because i've always thought the roman legionaire uniform was kinda sexy,, the short battle-skirt not only shows your enemies that you don't skip leg day and allows for more freedom of movement while slaying them, but would also allow for more easy access in non-battle scenarios,
a part of me is also kind of sad that the legion is evil because i've always thought the roman legionaire uniform was kinda sexy,, the short battle-skirt not only shows your enemies that you don't skip leg day and allows for more freedom of movement while slaying them, but would also allow for more easy access in non-battle scenarios,

07/29/2021 - 10:33 AM
one thing i dont get about fallout new vegas is why caesar hates me so much. like the dudes just taken it personally that i kill his guys on sight and he progressively sends more and more powerful guys to make me stop killing them on sight. like get a fucking life, man!!
one thing i dont get about fallout new vegas is why caesar hates me so much. like the dudes just taken it personally that i kill his guys on sight and he progressively sends more and more powerful guys to make me stop killing them on sight. like get a fucking life, man!!

07/29/2021 - 10:29 AM
can't wait to get my ovaries removed. periods dont make me suicidal anymore but they're still a major inconvenience. just sterilize a woodpecker and let it pluck my estrogen meatballs out doc
can't wait to get my ovaries removed. periods dont make me suicidal anymore but they're still a major inconvenience. just sterilize a woodpecker and let it pluck my estrogen meatballs out doc

07/26/2021 - 09:16 AM
when there are no horny gay or gender-neutral fics about a character u like so you start reading the hetero ones
when there are no horny gay or gender-neutral fics about a character u like so you start reading the hetero ones

07/26/2021 - 09:16 AM
so here are my first impressions of falling out nude vegas:
i like:
- how many more dialogue options there are depending on how you build your character
--- i especially like how making your courier stupid will make them take Raul's sarcastic comments seriously. very relateable and funny
- making your courier gay is an optimal Pro Gamer Move
- the general increased complexity/difficulty (ie. your stuff breaks with use, stimpaks aren't a magical cureall) over 4, its a lil frustrating but i appreciate the Challenge
- Raul 👀
i dont like:
- killing the geckos. they are so cute, if you hit their heads they stop and clutch their head in their widdle hands and it makes me feel bad but taming animals isn't conducive to this playthrough
so here are my first impressions of falling out nude vegas:
i like:
- how many more dialogue options there are depending on how you build your character
--- i especially like how making your courier stupid will make them take Raul's sarcastic comments seriously. very relateable and funny
- making your courier gay is an optimal Pro Gamer Move
- the general increased complexity/difficulty (ie. your stuff breaks with use, stimpaks aren't a magical cureall) over 4, its a lil frustrating but i appreciate the Challenge
- Raul 👀
i dont like:
- killing the geckos. they are so cute, if you hit their heads they stop and clutch their head in their widdle hands and it makes me feel bad but taming animals isn't conducive to this playthrough

07/26/2021 - 08:29 AM
job search update: i've now had 2 businesses reach out to me asking to schedule an interview, then proceed to ghost me when i agree and tell them my availability 🙃
job search update: i've now had 2 businesses reach out to me asking to schedule an interview, then proceed to ghost me when i agree and tell them my availability 🙃

07/25/2021 - 06:46 PM
im a few hours into new vegas and i can already tell im gonna like it more than 4. i guess thats one benefit of your first game of the series being one of the less-good ones (so i'm told), because then you get to be extra impressed by a better one
im a few hours into new vegas and i can already tell im gonna like it more than 4. i guess thats one benefit of your first game of the series being one of the less-good ones (so i'm told), because then you get to be extra impressed by a better one

07/25/2021 - 03:28 AM

07/23/2021 - 07:39 AM
allegedly lots of businesses have been hiring, but in my experience they aren't hiring for me. in the several months i've been applying i only got one interview, and that business took OVER TWO MONTHS to tell me they weren't going to hire me. i guess i could try applying for unemployment insurance (for the third time) but at this point i'm sure i'll be turned down again. its to the point where i've seriously thought about, if my psychologist doesn't end up Diagnosing me with anything, doing something to permanently physically injure myself to guarantee i get on disability. or at least injure myself enough that i can convincingly lie about needing disability. i won't do it but it'd be nice to not have to worry about taking care of my pets for once
allegedly lots of businesses have been hiring, but in my experience they aren't hiring for me. in the several months i've been applying i only got one interview, and that business took OVER TWO MONTHS to tell me they weren't going to hire me. i guess i could try applying for unemployment insurance (for the third time) but at this point i'm sure i'll be turned down again. its to the point where i've seriously thought about, if my psychologist doesn't end up Diagnosing me with anything, doing something to permanently physically injure myself to guarantee i get on disability. or at least injure myself enough that i can convincingly lie about needing disability. i won't do it but it'd be nice to not have to worry about taking care of my pets for once

07/09/2021 - 08:07 AM
i started playing fallout 4 again and this time i'm going to finish it. i will not be distracted for 200 hours by mods and side quests. i will not allow that irradiated larping thot to touch my penis and stand in the way of my goal of finally putting this game to rest so i can move on to another fallout
i started playing fallout 4 again and this time i'm going to finish it. i will not be distracted for 200 hours by mods and side quests. i will not allow that irradiated larping thot to touch my penis and stand in the way of my goal of finally putting this game to rest so i can move on to another fallout

07/07/2021 - 10:05 PM
also bad memories of playing clive barker's jericho, a terrible game with great monster and level designs wasted on it, created to punish me in particular
also bad memories of playing clive barker's jericho, a terrible game with great monster and level designs wasted on it, created to punish me in particular

07/07/2021 - 09:59 PM
GOG has clive barker's undying for six bucks.... really tempted.... fond memories of unknowingly walking my guy in front of a mirror and scaring myself with the reflection
GOG has clive barker's undying for six bucks.... really tempted.... fond memories of unknowingly walking my guy in front of a mirror and scaring myself with the reflection

07/07/2021 - 09:10 PM
i'm going to attend a virtual job fair tomorrow so i guess i'll need to take a shower for the first time this week so i look less grimy on cam
i'm going to attend a virtual job fair tomorrow so i guess i'll need to take a shower for the first time this week so i look less grimy on cam

07/04/2021 - 10:16 AM
sites requiring you upload a Real Photo of your face are transphobic
sites requiring you upload a Real Photo of your face are transphobic

07/03/2021 - 09:19 AM
i really don't want to get a job because as stated not too long ago, jobs don't benefit me much (tl;dr: i'm possibly autistic and other stuff and have never been able to: get a job with a livable wage, stay at a job long term, and therefor can't pay for all the things i need to pay for and can't build a savings). i'm hoping in the coming months i'll be Officially Diagnosed with something/s that will make it easier for me to qualify for disability but i worry that the fact that i'm Technically Capable of working might be used against me 😔
i really don't want to get a job because as stated not too long ago, jobs don't benefit me much (tl;dr: i'm possibly autistic and other stuff and have never been able to: get a job with a livable wage, stay at a job long term, and therefor can't pay for all the things i need to pay for and can't build a savings). i'm hoping in the coming months i'll be Officially Diagnosed with something/s that will make it easier for me to qualify for disability but i worry that the fact that i'm Technically Capable of working might be used against me 😔

06/30/2021 - 09:45 PM
thinking about how i don't understand what it means to be "valid" as a trans person and why a lot of trans people want to be "valid". it just seems like a very nebulous and abstract concept, too nebulous and too abstract to be stressing over
my best understanding is that valid = "knowing others see you as the gender you are as opposed to assuming based on what they think your appearance says" but honestly, if people don't see me as a guy thats not my business? i can't control other people, i can't control how they view me. if they think i'm a girl or that i'm not being male correctly thats their problem and i don't have an obligation to fix it
what is within my control is making conscious efforts to Look Masculine, to signal to others that i'm male using stereotypically male signs (ie. a "male" haircut), but it guarantees nothing. and i end up at best uncomfortable because i'm forcing my body to move and appear in ways that i don't like (i've found that i actually like having long hair...thanks covid), or more likely i end up discouraged and depressed because in spite of my efforts i'm just viewed as a masculine woman
i guess my Take here is that chasing validity from others seems like a great way to stay unhappy and uncomfortable, and as a trans person i get enough of that by merely existing
thinking about how i don't understand what it means to be "valid" as a trans person and why a lot of trans people want to be "valid". it just seems like a very nebulous and abstract concept, too nebulous and too abstract to be stressing over
my best understanding is that valid = "knowing others see you as the gender you are as opposed to assuming based on what they think your appearance says" but honestly, if people don't see me as a guy thats not my business? i can't control other people, i can't control how they view me. if they think i'm a girl or that i'm not being male correctly thats their problem and i don't have an obligation to fix it
what is within my control is making conscious efforts to Look Masculine, to signal to others that i'm male using stereotypically male signs (ie. a "male" haircut), but it guarantees nothing. and i end up at best uncomfortable because i'm forcing my body to move and appear in ways that i don't like (i've found that i actually like having long hair...thanks covid), or more likely i end up discouraged and depressed because in spite of my efforts i'm just viewed as a masculine woman
i guess my Take here is that chasing validity from others seems like a great way to stay unhappy and uncomfortable, and as a trans person i get enough of that by merely existing

06/30/2021 - 10:44 AM
doctors be like "i know you already wrote down everything i need to know in the form i gave you but i need you to repeat it to me again with your voice"
doctors be like "i know you already wrote down everything i need to know in the form i gave you but i need you to repeat it to me again with your voice"

06/29/2021 - 08:16 AM
been doing more research into ASD and i'm more convinced than ever that i'm hashedtag Actually Autistic. a lot of autistic people can have ADHD according to google, which is the other diagnosis i think is likely. if the psychologist says something different than either of these two i'll be very surprised
been doing more research into ASD and i'm more convinced than ever that i'm hashedtag Actually Autistic. a lot of autistic people can have ADHD according to google, which is the other diagnosis i think is likely. if the psychologist says something different than either of these two i'll be very surprised

06/28/2021 - 03:58 PM
knowing what dril sounds like is an infohazard because he has a sexy voice and the concept of dril being sexy in any capacity deals psychic damage to me
knowing what dril sounds like is an infohazard because he has a sexy voice and the concept of dril being sexy in any capacity deals psychic damage to me

06/28/2021 - 10:49 AM
one thing that helps me make better sustainable choices is my sensitivity to styrofoam. there is NOTHING worse than the sound styrofoam makes 😖
one thing that helps me make better sustainable choices is my sensitivity to styrofoam. there is NOTHING worse than the sound styrofoam makes 😖

06/26/2021 - 10:17 PM
yeah, i like NFTs...
for growing crops hydroponically
yeah, i like NFTs...
for growing crops hydroponically

06/26/2021 - 11:43 AM
i've started drinking oolong tea. its good, but its taking some getting used to. because it smells and tastes a bit like coffee, my brain has kind of an instinctual revulsion to it since coffee makes me very nauseous for some reason. fortunately i've experienced no nausea so my brain will eventually get over this.
one thing about it though is that in spite of containing caffeine, it has a stronger-than-expected sedative effect on me so i have to be careful when i drink it. its supposed to help with sleep so maybe i'll just start drinking it in the evening instead of sipping on it throughout the day.
i've started drinking oolong tea. its good, but its taking some getting used to. because it smells and tastes a bit like coffee, my brain has kind of an instinctual revulsion to it since coffee makes me very nauseous for some reason. fortunately i've experienced no nausea so my brain will eventually get over this.
one thing about it though is that in spite of containing caffeine, it has a stronger-than-expected sedative effect on me so i have to be careful when i drink it. its supposed to help with sleep so maybe i'll just start drinking it in the evening instead of sipping on it throughout the day.

06/24/2021 - 08:18 PM
i found a blackberry bush while walking my dog earlier. at the time i wasn't sure what it was, so i pinched off a bit of stem that had a couple of leaves plus 2 unripe and 1 ripe-looking berry to take home for ID. once i was sure i popped the ripe-looking berry into my mouth and had to spit it out soon after. it was so fucking bitter i couldn't bring myself to keep chewing. i don't know if it happened to be a bad berry or if it actually wasn't ripe yet or what. it was the only black berry on the bush so that could be it. i'll give it some more time before attempting to eat any more.
i found a blackberry bush while walking my dog earlier. at the time i wasn't sure what it was, so i pinched off a bit of stem that had a couple of leaves plus 2 unripe and 1 ripe-looking berry to take home for ID. once i was sure i popped the ripe-looking berry into my mouth and had to spit it out soon after. it was so fucking bitter i couldn't bring myself to keep chewing. i don't know if it happened to be a bad berry or if it actually wasn't ripe yet or what. it was the only black berry on the bush so that could be it. i'll give it some more time before attempting to eat any more.

06/23/2021 - 01:40 PM
today i learned about hwajeon and i am now obsessed. i am going to make some soon, just have to decide which flowers to use...
today i learned about hwajeon and i am now obsessed. i am going to make some soon, just have to decide which flowers to use...

06/21/2021 - 09:53 PM
thanks to being more observant due to antidepressants, my edible plant field guide and the internet, i've been getting better at IDing the plants around me. i had known dandelion and clover were edible, but the amount of wild food besides those two just growing around for free is crazy! some of it even tastes pretty good raw, ie. mulberries.
a lot of it is either not tasty but not offensive, or something i wouldn't eat without preparing somehow, such as the aforementioned dandelion.
and of course, a lot of it also tastes pretty terrible and i'd ony eat it if i were desperate, like the mock strawberry. these are particularly offensive because the berry looks so cute and delicious, and it of course reminds you of a juicy strawberry. but when you bite into it, its: dry, flavorless, and has a bad mouthfeel.
thanks to being more observant due to antidepressants, my edible plant field guide and the internet, i've been getting better at IDing the plants around me. i had known dandelion and clover were edible, but the amount of wild food besides those two just growing around for free is crazy! some of it even tastes pretty good raw, ie. mulberries.
a lot of it is either not tasty but not offensive, or something i wouldn't eat without preparing somehow, such as the aforementioned dandelion.
and of course, a lot of it also tastes pretty terrible and i'd ony eat it if i were desperate, like the mock strawberry. these are particularly offensive because the berry looks so cute and delicious, and it of course reminds you of a juicy strawberry. but when you bite into it, its: dry, flavorless, and has a bad mouthfeel.

06/19/2021 - 11:11 AM
i've been reading the first two Foxfire books and they're pretty amazing! makes me wanna go out and live in the middle of nowhere even more than i did before
i've been reading the first two Foxfire books and they're pretty amazing! makes me wanna go out and live in the middle of nowhere even more than i did before

06/18/2021 - 08:58 PM
just realized that "Lofi Girl" sounds way too similar to "Blowfly Girl".... i do NOT want to listen to that playlist
just realized that "Lofi Girl" sounds way too similar to "Blowfly Girl".... i do NOT want to listen to that playlist

06/15/2021 - 09:10 AM
good to know that while my antidepressants help my mood they don't make my memory work any better lmao. time to turn into an old man and use one of those weekly pill organizers
good to know that while my antidepressants help my mood they don't make my memory work any better lmao. time to turn into an old man and use one of those weekly pill organizers

06/15/2021 - 09:08 AM
fuck i think i accidentally took 2 of my pills again. i'm not sure. i guess i'll find out in a little bit 🤦♂️
fuck i think i accidentally took 2 of my pills again. i'm not sure. i guess i'll find out in a little bit 🤦♂️

06/14/2021 - 12:46 PM
there are two wolves inside me... one is a goth and the other is a hippy... they're snarling at and dick-fencing with each other
there are two wolves inside me... one is a goth and the other is a hippy... they're snarling at and dick-fencing with each other

06/14/2021 - 10:43 AM
while walking my dog this morning i found a broken chromebook in the street! it belonged to the school system around here so i'm assuming some cantankerous teen threw it out of their car in a graduation celebration frenzy. i'm gonna try to fix it.
while walking my dog this morning i found a broken chromebook in the street! it belonged to the school system around here so i'm assuming some cantankerous teen threw it out of their car in a graduation celebration frenzy. i'm gonna try to fix it.

06/12/2021 - 08:50 AM
we're on day 6 of nemesis thirst... i guess this is just my brain's way of telling me i need to play more RE in general. $AMC hasn't popped off yet so i don't have any video game money, maybe watching a RE3 lets play will suffice
we're on day 6 of nemesis thirst... i guess this is just my brain's way of telling me i need to play more RE in general. $AMC hasn't popped off yet so i don't have any video game money, maybe watching a RE3 lets play will suffice

06/10/2021 - 09:32 AM
last thing i'll say about Kink At Pride is that you NEVER see this level of pearl-clutching over horny straight people events like mardi gras. inch resting.......
last thing i'll say about Kink At Pride is that you NEVER see this level of pearl-clutching over horny straight people events like mardi gras. inch resting.......

06/10/2021 - 09:27 AM
not that i've ever been to a pride event (or go outside at all) but it seems like complaining about kink at pride is like watching an R rated movie then complaining that the movie had R rated content in it. you could've just watched one of the numerous G rated movies out there instead
not that i've ever been to a pride event (or go outside at all) but it seems like complaining about kink at pride is like watching an R rated movie then complaining that the movie had R rated content in it. you could've just watched one of the numerous G rated movies out there instead

06/09/2021 - 03:28 PM
charging dock, battery, back case, adhesive, tools... i have everything i need to attempt surgery on and repair my phone. just have to watch a few more videos to make sure i'm doing everything right...
charging dock, battery, back case, adhesive, tools... i have everything i need to attempt surgery on and repair my phone. just have to watch a few more videos to make sure i'm doing everything right...

06/09/2021 - 10:17 AM

06/07/2021 - 07:45 AM
i'm a fake resident evil fan because i want nemesis to break my back like a glowstick even though i haven't played resident evil 3
i'm a fake resident evil fan because i want nemesis to break my back like a glowstick even though i haven't played resident evil 3

06/06/2021 - 10:51 AM
last night i was going through stuff in my room and found the collage of couples photos my ex made of us in a last-ditch effort to manipulate me into getting back with him. as i looked them over, i was overcome with emotion...
he really thought he could endear himself to me by showing me pictures of me back when i was thin lol. then i threw it in the shreddin' pile. all this paper is gonna make good compost!
last night i was going through stuff in my room and found the collage of couples photos my ex made of us in a last-ditch effort to manipulate me into getting back with him. as i looked them over, i was overcome with emotion...
he really thought he could endear himself to me by showing me pictures of me back when i was thin lol. then i threw it in the shreddin' pile. all this paper is gonna make good compost!

06/05/2021 - 11:04 AM
i was planning on buying one of those pull out day beds from IKEA but i decided i'd rather save my money by sleeping on a pile of folded up blankets on the floor instead
i was planning on buying one of those pull out day beds from IKEA but i decided i'd rather save my money by sleeping on a pile of folded up blankets on the floor instead

06/04/2021 - 08:30 PM
got into Worlds, am currently attempting to figure out how to use WorldShaper and failing
got into Worlds, am currently attempting to figure out how to use WorldShaper and failing

06/03/2021 - 08:50 AM
AMC stock go down... me buy more... oo oo ah ah
AMC stock go down... me buy more... oo oo ah ah

06/02/2021 - 11:42 PM
i watched Radical Reviewer's video about atlas shrugged and i am now completely obsessed with how bad it is. i knew it was a bad book going in but i was not prepared for the intense second-hand embarrassment i feel for ayn rand for writing the damn thing. the Cringe(tm) is off the charts and i am frothing at the mouth over it
i watched Radical Reviewer's video about atlas shrugged and i am now completely obsessed with how bad it is. i knew it was a bad book going in but i was not prepared for the intense second-hand embarrassment i feel for ayn rand for writing the damn thing. the Cringe(tm) is off the charts and i am frothing at the mouth over it

06/02/2021 - 08:03 PM
i finally got a prescription for antidepressants and have been taking them for about a week now. i think i'm feeling... better? at the very least some of the edge has been taken off and i can actually get out of bed at a decent hour and do things better than i was when i wasn't medicated. i put a table together today! i also have psychological testing happening later this month too. we'll see what happens 👀
i finally got a prescription for antidepressants and have been taking them for about a week now. i think i'm feeling... better? at the very least some of the edge has been taken off and i can actually get out of bed at a decent hour and do things better than i was when i wasn't medicated. i put a table together today! i also have psychological testing happening later this month too. we'll see what happens 👀

04/16/2021 - 08:30 PM
everything i learned about making money i learned from neopets
everything i learned about making money i learned from neopets

04/14/2021 - 12:24 PM
pinterest has started showing me pins that are correctly sourced since i started sourcing them myself lol
pinterest has started showing me pins that are correctly sourced since i started sourcing them myself lol

04/12/2021 - 06:34 PM
its crazy to me how incompetent microsoft is with their app store. i've begrudgedly made an instagram account for my online store, but you can't post anything accessing it through a browser. so i'm about to go download the app from the microsoft store, only to see that it has 2 stars and a slew of reviews complaining about how microsoft REMOVED THE ABILITY TO POST in the latest update. what the fuck were they thinking??
its crazy to me how incompetent microsoft is with their app store. i've begrudgedly made an instagram account for my online store, but you can't post anything accessing it through a browser. so i'm about to go download the app from the microsoft store, only to see that it has 2 stars and a slew of reviews complaining about how microsoft REMOVED THE ABILITY TO POST in the latest update. what the fuck were they thinking??

04/10/2021 - 12:30 AM
as i was just about to give up hope, yandex pulled through and i was able to find the source of the previously stated artwork! i excitedly go to the artist's page and am immediately confronted by the fact that they draw shotacon. which means sourcing the unsourced instances of the image i found would mean potentially putting softcore little boy art in front of peoples' faces. maybe not all images need to be sourced after all...
as i was just about to give up hope, yandex pulled through and i was able to find the source of the previously stated artwork! i excitedly go to the artist's page and am immediately confronted by the fact that they draw shotacon. which means sourcing the unsourced instances of the image i found would mean potentially putting softcore little boy art in front of peoples' faces. maybe not all images need to be sourced after all...

04/10/2021 - 12:11 AM
i have quickly run into a powerful foe in my crusade to properly source artwork on pinterest: a piece of fanart of meowth and mew cuddling which has been reposted so many times on pinterest and amino and whatever the fuck that im truly stumped.
reverse image search turns up nothing but reposts. i found a dead japanese site that i thought might be the artist's, but based on the whopping two pages that have been archived, it also seemed to be a source-less, repost-heavy site... and one of the archived pages just has lots of pictures of questionably-aged school girls from some yuri anime for some reason??
i've only been using google reverse image search though. perhaps yandex will assist me...
i have quickly run into a powerful foe in my crusade to properly source artwork on pinterest: a piece of fanart of meowth and mew cuddling which has been reposted so many times on pinterest and amino and whatever the fuck that im truly stumped.
reverse image search turns up nothing but reposts. i found a dead japanese site that i thought might be the artist's, but based on the whopping two pages that have been archived, it also seemed to be a source-less, repost-heavy site... and one of the archived pages just has lots of pictures of questionably-aged school girls from some yuri anime for some reason??
i've only been using google reverse image search though. perhaps yandex will assist me...

04/09/2021 - 10:59 PM
kind of a hot take but i kinda like pinterest's ui, its very convenient for finding inspiration and stuff. however it of course is also a great way to obfuscate or completely strip credit from artwork, so when i logged in for the first time in ages i decided that i would go ahead and try to edit improperly credited pins i've saved to have the proper credit somewhere more accessible, and i found out two things:
1) if you don't create the pin, you can't change the source link. so that one piece of porygon fanart i like is forever stuck with 'cheezburger.com' as its source instead of the actual artist's website.
2) you can't post a comment with the full source either, because pinterest eats comments that have a url in them.
the best you can do is create a private note that only you can see on the pin, which i don't want to do because my goal is to make sure that the image source is somewhere publicly visible and easy to see. i think my best bet is still to leave a comment but not do a url.
kind of a hot take but i kinda like pinterest's ui, its very convenient for finding inspiration and stuff. however it of course is also a great way to obfuscate or completely strip credit from artwork, so when i logged in for the first time in ages i decided that i would go ahead and try to edit improperly credited pins i've saved to have the proper credit somewhere more accessible, and i found out two things:
1) if you don't create the pin, you can't change the source link. so that one piece of porygon fanart i like is forever stuck with 'cheezburger.com' as its source instead of the actual artist's website.
2) you can't post a comment with the full source either, because pinterest eats comments that have a url in them.
the best you can do is create a private note that only you can see on the pin, which i don't want to do because my goal is to make sure that the image source is somewhere publicly visible and easy to see. i think my best bet is still to leave a comment but not do a url.

04/06/2021 - 03:30 PM
i hate kids and don't know much about raising them, but i do know that if you have a child thats still in the pre-verbal shitting-themself phase of life that yelling at them and threatening to hit them whenever they act their age is a good way to at best create a teenager who will go no-contact with you the second they have a way out
i hate kids and don't know much about raising them, but i do know that if you have a child thats still in the pre-verbal shitting-themself phase of life that yelling at them and threatening to hit them whenever they act their age is a good way to at best create a teenager who will go no-contact with you the second they have a way out

04/05/2021 - 11:25 AM
next time i have money i'm gonna buy up a bunch of nonfunctional tamagotchis/giga pets/etc, fix them and try to sell them for a profit. would like to do the same for old dumbphones but idk if there'd be as much of a market for them since idk how much longer they'll be able to function
next time i have money i'm gonna buy up a bunch of nonfunctional tamagotchis/giga pets/etc, fix them and try to sell them for a profit. would like to do the same for old dumbphones but idk if there'd be as much of a market for them since idk how much longer they'll be able to function

04/04/2021 - 11:34 AM
when i made this layout i decided i didn't need the userpic on each "tweet" or the like/RT/etc buttons below each one but now that i've posted on this a lot i realize the text really bleeds together without them. the social buttons don't have to be functional (maybe an effect happens if you click them but nothing else), and since i wrote this page by hand i have the freedom to use different userpics per "tweet" unlike real twitter
when i made this layout i decided i didn't need the userpic on each "tweet" or the like/RT/etc buttons below each one but now that i've posted on this a lot i realize the text really bleeds together without them. the social buttons don't have to be functional (maybe an effect happens if you click them but nothing else), and since i wrote this page by hand i have the freedom to use different userpics per "tweet" unlike real twitter

04/03/2021 - 10:37 PM
i'm of the opinion that it sucks to be someone on fiverr offering to "clear energy blockages" or make "prophetic prayers". its the opposite of good that fiverr gives charlatans the platform and means to take money out of gullible/desperate people's pockets
i'm of the opinion that it sucks to be someone on fiverr offering to "clear energy blockages" or make "prophetic prayers". its the opposite of good that fiverr gives charlatans the platform and means to take money out of gullible/desperate people's pockets

04/01/2021 - 02:57 PM
>miscalculate the amount of money in my checking account and overdraft
>credit union takes $25 fee
>phone bill comes out automatically
>credit union takes another $25 out of my account
>because of the $50 stolen from my account it has less than $15 by the time my funds from my onine shop comes in
>its not enough money to make my automatic credit card payment
>credit card payment comes out
>overdrafts again
>credit union takes another $25; $75 total taken out of my account
>sits on hold forever so i can beg the rep to give me my money back
>they won't because i apparently at some point signed up for the "privilege" of being charged $25 instead of $29 per overdraft
>miscalculate the amount of money in my checking account and overdraft
>credit union takes $25 fee
>phone bill comes out automatically
>credit union takes another $25 out of my account
>because of the $50 stolen from my account it has less than $15 by the time my funds from my onine shop comes in
>its not enough money to make my automatic credit card payment
>credit card payment comes out
>overdrafts again
>credit union takes another $25; $75 total taken out of my account
>sits on hold forever so i can beg the rep to give me my money back
>they won't because i apparently at some point signed up for the "privilege" of being charged $25 instead of $29 per overdraft

03/31/2021 - 12:50 PM
if you were a goth child in the early 00s, a major formative experience was the trauma of having your johnny the homicidal maniac comics confiscated at school
if you were a goth child in the early 00s, a major formative experience was the trauma of having your johnny the homicidal maniac comics confiscated at school

03/31/2021 - 12:37 PM
20 years ago nickelodeon looked at the creator of johnny the homicidal maniac and said "yeah, lets allow this man to write a children's cartoon"
20 years ago nickelodeon looked at the creator of johnny the homicidal maniac and said "yeah, lets allow this man to write a children's cartoon"

03/30/2021 - 08:06 PM
just saw that james charles has been messaging underage boys so i suppose now is a good time to impart the lesson i've learned from my years of enjoying content:
go into every single book, movie, youtube video, etc with the assumption that the creator/s of that thing are terrible people. assume they've done horrible things that you don't know about. that way you just enjoy the thing in isolation, without getting attached to the creator/s, which accomplishes two things:
1) it keeps you from getting as disappointed in them when you learn about their behavior because you're already prepared for it, and
2) prevents a situation where you are so in love with them that you ignore evidence of bad behavior or attack those who come forward about it
just saw that james charles has been messaging underage boys so i suppose now is a good time to impart the lesson i've learned from my years of enjoying content:
go into every single book, movie, youtube video, etc with the assumption that the creator/s of that thing are terrible people. assume they've done horrible things that you don't know about. that way you just enjoy the thing in isolation, without getting attached to the creator/s, which accomplishes two things:
1) it keeps you from getting as disappointed in them when you learn about their behavior because you're already prepared for it, and
2) prevents a situation where you are so in love with them that you ignore evidence of bad behavior or attack those who come forward about it

03/30/2021 - 06:49 PM
not a fan of how what amounts to TV channels are coming back, but online instead
not a fan of how what amounts to TV channels are coming back, but online instead

03/29/2021 - 01:49 AM
i will never sleep again thanks to that youtube ad about the guy talking about the 5 to 10 pounds of toxic poop inside me
i will never sleep again thanks to that youtube ad about the guy talking about the 5 to 10 pounds of toxic poop inside me

03/28/2021 - 01:11 PM
if anyone is interested in how i've been doing irl, here's a fun fact: i've only managed to shower once in the past almost-a-year
friendship ended with shower, now hand sanitizer on my armpits is my new best friend
oh anyone remember that kid who got thousands of dollars for doing a kickstarter to make a chicken salad sandwich or something. maybe i could do the same thing but with soap
if anyone is interested in how i've been doing irl, here's a fun fact: i've only managed to shower once in the past almost-a-year
friendship ended with shower, now hand sanitizer on my armpits is my new best friend
oh anyone remember that kid who got thousands of dollars for doing a kickstarter to make a chicken salad sandwich or something. maybe i could do the same thing but with soap

03/26/2021 - 10:25 PM
man it sure sucks that Gorillaz stopped making music after Plastic Beach...
man it sure sucks that Gorillaz stopped making music after Plastic Beach...

03/24/2021 - 06:00 PM
after some finangling, i finally have AIM 5.0 working on my win10 laptop. it feels wonderful to see AIM in action again, if you'd like to chat with me* my handle is snowycervine!
* disclaimer: i may or may not respond
after some finangling, i finally have AIM 5.0 working on my win10 laptop. it feels wonderful to see AIM in action again, if you'd like to chat with me* my handle is snowycervine!
* disclaimer: i may or may not respond

03/19/2021 - 01:39 PM
preface: since i'm male and like mlp, i guess that means i'm a "Brony". as a brony, i must have a cartoon horse waifu. that waifu is definitely Princess Luna.
so, here's my weird nitpick: so many of the luna toys out there get her colors all wrong. she's predominately varying shades of blue with very little purple, but the toys are always making her a weird shade of purple. even stranger, the upcoming bishojo statue gets the colorscheme of her pony self correct but puts a ton of purple on her human self, particularly the hair. even if i had 100+ bucks to spend on waifu plastic i wouldn't because of the miscolored hair. (also i don't really like her dress but i can't really articulate why at this time)
preface: since i'm male and like mlp, i guess that means i'm a "Brony". as a brony, i must have a cartoon horse waifu. that waifu is definitely Princess Luna.
so, here's my weird nitpick: so many of the luna toys out there get her colors all wrong. she's predominately varying shades of blue with very little purple, but the toys are always making her a weird shade of purple. even stranger, the upcoming bishojo statue gets the colorscheme of her pony self correct but puts a ton of purple on her human self, particularly the hair. even if i had 100+ bucks to spend on waifu plastic i wouldn't because of the miscolored hair. (also i don't really like her dress but i can't really articulate why at this time)

03/19/2021 - 12:59 PM
being in your 30s is looking back on all the cringe stuff you used to love as a child and realizing that its still good as hell, actually
being in your 30s is looking back on all the cringe stuff you used to love as a child and realizing that its still good as hell, actually

12/27/2020 - 11:44 AM
i wish i smelled like a g1 my little pony doll. a soft, plasticy soap-like aroma
i wish i smelled like a g1 my little pony doll. a soft, plasticy soap-like aroma

07/13/2020 - 07:17 PM
been considering turning into a guy who drinks soylent for at least half my meals
been considering turning into a guy who drinks soylent for at least half my meals

06/08/2020 - 08:59 PM
robert is, as the kids say, a 'whole mood'

robert is, as the kids say, a 'whole mood'

06/03/2020 - 07:41 PM
theres too much thin blue line shit where i live. i cant leave the house without seeing at least one flag or t-shirt or decal. the bootlicking is unreal and if recent events dont stop people from simping over cops idk what will
theres too much thin blue line shit where i live. i cant leave the house without seeing at least one flag or t-shirt or decal. the bootlicking is unreal and if recent events dont stop people from simping over cops idk what will

05/29/2020 - 08:51 PM
while i'm at it, parents: if your child is too young to safely wear a mask please don't take them into a fucking grocery store!!! i've seen way too many masked parents walking around with their infants
while i'm at it, parents: if your child is too young to safely wear a mask please don't take them into a fucking grocery store!!! i've seen way too many masked parents walking around with their infants

05/29/2020 - 08:44 PM
i don't know who needs to hear this but: private property doesnt have feelings, buildings are not alive, you dont have the moral high ground when youre more upset by rioting and looting than a video of a cop calmly looking into the camera while murdering yet another person
i don't know who needs to hear this but: private property doesnt have feelings, buildings are not alive, you dont have the moral high ground when youre more upset by rioting and looting than a video of a cop calmly looking into the camera while murdering yet another person

05/27/2020 - 11:03 PM
accidentally answered a call from one of the collection agencies hounding me because i was expecting a call from my city's dept of human services lskjfdl
accidentally answered a call from one of the collection agencies hounding me because i was expecting a call from my city's dept of human services lskjfdl

05/22/2020 - 09:53 PM
one of my biggest regrets in life is the time i somehow ended up at a fancy dinner sitting at a table with some Real Fucking Richies and i didn't do everything in my power to piss them off or gross them out. [dead name] was a polite and timid young girl afraid to make a fool of herself and embarrass her too-old-for-her boyfriend, [chosen name] would've at LEAST chewed with his mouth open while giving them a detailed retelling of the pony cum jar project while they tried to eat
one of my biggest regrets in life is the time i somehow ended up at a fancy dinner sitting at a table with some Real Fucking Richies and i didn't do everything in my power to piss them off or gross them out. [dead name] was a polite and timid young girl afraid to make a fool of herself and embarrass her too-old-for-her boyfriend, [chosen name] would've at LEAST chewed with his mouth open while giving them a detailed retelling of the pony cum jar project while they tried to eat

05/19/2020 - 07:21 PM
as frustrating as it was to make, im glad i made my own twitter clone. this way my exposure to the varied and numerous flavors of unbearable horseshit that site expels is reduced significantly. this isnt in response to anything recent or in particular, i just mean in general. dumping my thoughts here instead of opening that hell app means im much less likely to see something that will piss me off, trigger me or make me want to ctrl+alt+del in real life. those are really the only three things social media does well which is a shame considering the potential it has to improve people's lives
as frustrating as it was to make, im glad i made my own twitter clone. this way my exposure to the varied and numerous flavors of unbearable horseshit that site expels is reduced significantly. this isnt in response to anything recent or in particular, i just mean in general. dumping my thoughts here instead of opening that hell app means im much less likely to see something that will piss me off, trigger me or make me want to ctrl+alt+del in real life. those are really the only three things social media does well which is a shame considering the potential it has to improve people's lives

05/18/2020 - 06:47 PM
trying to remember what it was like to experience video games as a child when they were new to me, and just a new medium in general.. being blown away by N64/PS1 graphics, having no expectations because i had nothing to form expectations from, even terrible games (ie. fucking bubsy) were magical in their own way
trying to remember what it was like to experience video games as a child when they were new to me, and just a new medium in general.. being blown away by N64/PS1 graphics, having no expectations because i had nothing to form expectations from, even terrible games (ie. fucking bubsy) were magical in their own way

05/18/2020 - 10:54 AM
everyone hates jk rowling now but personally i think it was very brave of her to transform into the real life equivalent of one of the villains in her books
everyone hates jk rowling now but personally i think it was very brave of her to transform into the real life equivalent of one of the villains in her books

05/17/2020 - 09:02 PM
i have no idea how people just, get jobs. i can't even get to the interview stage most of the time. and then keeping the job if you manage to get it?? christ
i have no idea how people just, get jobs. i can't even get to the interview stage most of the time. and then keeping the job if you manage to get it?? christ

05/16/2020 - 01:12 AM
why did i decide to emulate twitters layout here its looking decent right now but getting it to this point was HELL
why did i decide to emulate twitters layout here its looking decent right now but getting it to this point was HELL

05/14/2020 - 08:49 PM
you ever just remember jim varney and start crying
you ever just remember jim varney and start crying

05/13/2020 - 10:00 AM
whats that i hear? another stimulus package? great! maybe the govt can give less to big businesses who don't actually need it this time
whats that i hear? another stimulus package? great! maybe the govt can give less to big businesses who don't actually need it this time

05/11/2020 - 07:17 PM
katya zamolodchikova is the most beautiful woman i've ever seen in my life
katya zamolodchikova is the most beautiful woman i've ever seen in my life